Introducing… Naomi’s blog!

The beauty of God's creativity

Hello! I’m glad you could stop by and spend a few moments with me. I’m excited to have a blog, as I’ve been waiting and hoping for it for… oh, probably a year or so. But my parents granted their gracious permission and here I am!

I hope to be able to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ, and give unbelievers a little peek into what a Christian  can look like. I will talk about myself, but also about many of the topics that are on my mind.  I pray that each post will be God-honoring, encouraging, and convicting as needed.  I have a zest for what I do, so be prepared to learn a bit about knitting, discipleship, sewing, family life, flower gardening, my artistic pursuits, weeds and pests  of Wisconsin, education, music, worldview, and so much more! I will be praying for you, my readers, and hope you will pray for me, that I will honor my Lord, speak only words fitting His ears, and keep a joyfulness in my writings that will keep you interested…. and laughing!

So enjoy all that we’ll share in the days, months and years to come. And feel free to share your thoughts on it all!

Blessings, Naomi

4 thoughts on “Introducing… Naomi’s blog!

  1. Faith Blum January 14, 2015 / 7:26 pm

    I look forward to reading more from you, Naomi!


    • Naomi January 15, 2015 / 1:37 pm

      Thanks, Faith! I look forward to your responses! 🙂


  2. AndreLe'OursDuBois January 15, 2015 / 2:44 am

    Nice, I look forward to your next post eh….


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